Six Chicks Are in Business!

>> Friday, February 26, 2010

I've spent a good bit of my free time this week helping Jo make some labels for her egg business. There's a Farmer's Market tomorrow (indoors, of course) and it'll be her first chance to sell to people besides friends and our favorite pizza restaurant. She drew lots of colorful chicken pictures (and a pretty buxom version of herself!) and chose her five favorites to represent our five hens. I scanned them and then GIMPed them together into labels for her egg cartons. A little busy - but cute, no?

She wanted Wooster (her rooster) in on the action too, but he's not a "chick" so he only got placement on one of her business cards. He is authentically noisy.


She's got a gallery of ten cards to choose from - she had a great time coloring all the chickens with the fancy new Prismacolor colored pencils she got for Christmas. She came to work with me one day and used the quality colored pencils there - and promptly asked if we could throw away the cheap ones at home and replace them with Prismacolor. What can I say?

So if you're local, come see us (and lots of other farmer's market favorites) tomorrow at Mountainside Wine on Upper Street in Spruce Pine. I really hope Oak Moon Creamery will be there - I want some of their orange goat cheese for my roasted beet salad!


Kitt February 26, 2010 at 10:21 PM  

How cute is that? No one will be able to resist.

Hi! I'm Wendi! February 28, 2010 at 7:51 AM  

No one was able to resist - she sold all 5 dozen she had in less than an hour. One very happy girl. . . when she came home she gave an extra treat to her chickens to thank them.

tanita✿davis February 28, 2010 at 8:40 AM  

Oh, she has a chick named Chick FRIZZLE!!!! That's so cool.

She is going to be raking it IN come summertime. Wonder what she'll do with her big money? Buy goats?

Alan Gratz February 28, 2010 at 3:17 PM  

Nintendo DS games, more like. Right now, she's saving her money for our trip to Japan, and it's just about killing her.

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