Google Alerts Round-up

>> Friday, August 28, 2009

Time for another ego-stroking Google Alerts Round-up, this time, featuring The Brooklyn Nine on the cover of Booklist magazine!

Fellow scribe and poet laureate of Asheville, NC, Allan Wolf, sent me the link to the September edition of Booklist online, which focuses on sports. In addition to the cover, The Brooklyn Nine is featured in the issue's 2009 Top Ten Sports Books for Youth!

Meanwhile, I'm interviewed over at The Secret Adventures of WriterGirl, where reader/writer/blogger writer Heather Zundel asks me, among other things, where all the girls are in Samurai Shortstop. She also posts a very nice review.

And finally, Bruce Duboff waxes nostalgic in a great review of The Brooklyn Nine over at Middler Books and More.

Thanks, everyone!


TN-Tanuki September 1, 2009 at 6:14 PM  

Ya know, I saw the issue today and thought "why do I know that illo?" Then *head smack* I read that book!!!
Well done!!

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