Tutorial - How To Whipstitch

>> Thursday, November 27, 2008

New Note! In 2011 I'll be launching the Shiny Happy Sewing School - offering weekly video tutorials for beginning sewists of all ages. Sign up for my newsletter or "like" Shiny Happy World on Facebook now so you don't miss a single thing! And if you know someone who wants to make "Learn to sew" one of their New Year's resolutions - please forward them the link. Thanks! And happy sewing!

Now back to my original post. . .
Ever since I saw the niftiness of this tutorial over at Betz White's blog I've been wanting to use the same service for mine. No more scrolling through endless tutorial posts!

We've all been under the weather here at Gratz Industries so I've been doing lots of hand sewing in front of the fire and you will be seeing several felt tutorials, patterns, and even kits over the next couple of days. Without further ado - here's my first fancy-schmancy tutorial - How to Whipstitch! This is my favorite stitch for joining layers of felt. Some people don't like it because your stitches are straight on one side of the project and slanted on the other - but that's just fine with me for most things. If you want straight stitches on both sides you need to use the more-fussy blanket stitch - tutorial coming soon.

Please let me know if you have any trouble viewing the slideshow. If you want to see it bigger you can also view it here on Flickr. Enjoy!


Anonymous,  February 22, 2010 at 5:01 PM  

Thank you for this simple diagram and explanation of the whip stitch. I work with disadvantaged and street children in Africa. I write life skills lessons for them. Sewing is a crucial skill for developing countries. I was wondering if you would allow me to use your clear pictures for use in a lesson plan describing the whip stitch. I would be very appreciative but did not want to do so without asking. Thank you. Susan

Hi! I'm Wendi! February 23, 2010 at 6:55 AM  

Of course you may use the photos - thanks for asking!

Anonymous,  February 23, 2010 at 10:07 AM  

Thank you so much!

Peter,  April 16, 2011 at 11:50 AM  

Thanks for this tutorial. Great way to learn the whip stitch!

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