
>> Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Since the Cubeecraft post proved so popular, I thought I should post this link as well. Over at, they're posting a new cut-and-tab character every day--also for free! And these don't look as complicated as the Cubeecraft characters, for those of you with smaller children . . .

Boba Fett!

Spidey and Doc Oc!

Jack Skellington!

Mike and Sulley!


And clicking over to Cubeecraft again to get their link, I see that they have added two favorites here at Gratz Industries--Space Ghost and Batman Beyond! Fun stuff.


Anonymous,  February 10, 2009 at 4:49 PM  

hey where can i find the tintin one!
i cant find it could you please post the link for it.
Thank you! =]

Alan Gratz February 11, 2009 at 7:55 AM  

All of the former Toy-a-Day entries are listed in the right hand column of that blog. Just follow the link above to the Toy-a-Day site and scroll down. You'll see Tintin on the right...

Viagra Pharmacy September 30, 2010 at 4:50 PM  

This is so funny, I was seeing the first image and it seems like my cousin because he has square head at the same way that this image.

Viagra Online June 9, 2011 at 1:03 PM  

That's nice I like it very much, I'm gonna look for some and print maybe my wife that is a teacher would get some for her students.

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