Brush with Fame

>> Tuesday, October 9, 2007

So I was at a cocktail party for work last night - which sounds WAY more exciting than it actually was - until I met Matthew Reinhart. Matthew Reinhart, the pop-up artist who created Mommy? the pop-up book, featuring text by Arthur Yorinks and art by (drumroll please. . .) Maurice Sendak! Here are a couple of pictures from inside the book - perfect for Halloween (and the link to the book takes you to Robert Sabuda's website where you can buy a signed copy). Check out the way the monsters just pour out of the page on the second spread. I know it's a pop-up and that's what's SUPPOSED to happen, but this one is especially good.As if it wasn't cool enough just to meet him - he said he liked my necklace. I was wearing the Fishy Deep pendant with the turtle illustration from Chicken Soup with Rice. I would really have liked to talk to him about his work, but we started talking about where we're from instead, and then someone else came up and I didn't want to monopolize so. . .that was the end of my brush with fame.


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