Book Autopsies

>> Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Thanks to Greg over at The Fabricationist for pointing me to another artist cutting up books with amazing results. Look at these!

His name is Brian Dettmer and each image has a link to the gallery where I found it. You can also jump here, here, and here to see more. And (because I know you're going to ask) here's an except from his statement at Toomey-Tourell Gallery explaining (a bit) how he works. . .
Explanation of Book Dissections- In this work I begin with an existing book and seal its edges, creating an enclosed vessel full of unearthed potential. I cut into the cover of the book and dissect through it from the front. I work with knives, tweezers and other surgical tools to carve one page at a time, exposing each page while cutting around ideas and images of interest. Nothing inside the books is relocated or implanted, only removed. Images and ideas are revealed to expose a book’s hidden, fragmented memory. The completed pieces expose new relationships of a book’s internal elements exactly where they have been since their original conception.


Kitt October 11, 2007 at 11:23 AM  

Wow, that's neat. I can't imagine how long that has to take.

Your house is looking great!

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