Life advice (?) from a Japanese toy box

>> Thursday, November 18, 2010

I've been saving this box from a little toy I bought at a Tokyo Swallows baseball game during my visit to Japan in the spring for a little while now, because I've been meaning to blog it. The toy was just a little plastic brick guy in a baseball uniform, but the box turned out to be something special. All along the top there (half-hidden by a sticker) and along the sides are...advice? Life lessons? Philosophical musings? Social commentary? I'm not quite sure. Whatever it is, the author certainly has a lot to say on the matter.

I present the text here in the hopes that you, dear readers, can discern some truth or meaning from them. From the front of the box:

Everyone is playing himself or herself, in spite of he or she is conscious it or not. People cannot stop the play because their ideas are strongly affected by international information that is brought by TV and Newspapers, and they are conscious themselves by social bonds, although they may believe that they are making decisions by themselves first, then they take actions, but these are strongly affected.

The daily life that does not have any changes is passing with unexpected fine balances.

Everything that people is feeling by their five senses is in their inside. They cannot show them to other people as they are.

And from the side:

The imperfection is becoming a motivation to cope with social environment. However suppose people could love others only to the level that they can compromise. You should take more interested in yourself. What really am I?

What really am I indeed? A toy box that has given us a lot to think about for sure.


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