Tutorial - Make a Carrot Full o' Candy for Easter

>> Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It's been bunny central around here lately - making me more excited about Easter than I usually am. I wanted to make something quick and easy - something I could make a bunch of and give away at egg hunts this season. I was inspired by Holly's remake of the classic paratrooper dimestore toy (You haven't seen it? Well go check it out, for goodness's sake! It's fabulous!) and I decided to remake those carrot-shaped cellophane bags you find filled with candy at Easter. My version is made from fabric - thus hiding what kind of candy is inside. Is it M&Ms? Is it jellybeans? Oooh - the suspense! Plus it's reusable and feels so much nicer than the plastic bags. And - it's oh so easy. All you need are some scraps of fabric and a sewing machine - and this easy peasy tutorial. The link opens as a PDF. As with any PDF pattern, be sure your printer is set to print at 100% scale so it doesn't shrink the pattern.



JenMeister March 22, 2010 at 7:12 AM  

Thanks for sharing this, I know what my family will be getting for Easter now :)

Kigwit March 22, 2010 at 10:21 AM  

LOVE this. I just saw some plastic candy filled bags at the store-but they were too big for my little ones and I certainly don't need to eat the extra! Can't wait to get started on these!

Anonymous,  April 1, 2010 at 7:03 AM  

These were fun and easy to make and for once I had everything I needed on hand to do it. Thanks for the pattern and easy to follow instructions!

Mine are here:

mel m. m. mccarthy August 19, 2010 at 5:12 PM  

This carrot candy bag is classic & oh so cute. Thanks so much for sharing your fantastic tutorial! :o)

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