Life Lesson #4

>> Thursday, March 4, 2010

To give our daughter Jo every advantage I can, I'm passing along to her the accumulated tips and tricks I've learned from my 38 years on Earth.
Life Lesson #4: All the other drivers on the road are dumbasses.


Cari Rérat March 4, 2010 at 2:05 PM  

When my step-dad was teaching me to drive, he had me park and look out onto a busy street. After a minute, he said, "Do you see all of those cars out there? They're all trying to kill you."

tanita✿davis March 4, 2010 at 3:37 PM  


When D. and I first got together, I used to crack up at his muttered diatribes against the other drivers. Once some guy cut him off, and he just exploded, and then a few minutes later, I explained to him that he'd just cut someone off.

"Look," he said patiently. "You've got to understand. Everyone in this car is right. Everyone not in this car is wrong."

Years later, all he has to say is, "Everyone in this car..." and I just crack up.

CL March 4, 2010 at 9:12 PM  

There's also: everyone driving slower than you is an idiot. Everyone driving faster than you is a maniac.

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