The Brooklyn Nine: The Cover

>> Monday, July 14, 2008

At last, it can be shown!

The Brooklyn Nine cover is now official. I always get mock-ups of my book covers before they are finalized, which means I can't show them off to everyone the moment I get them. That's difficult, especially when I'm very happy with the cover--as I have been for each of my books so far. The cover for The Brooklyn Nine is no exception: I think it puts B9 (as I like to call it) in the same category as popular sports titles by authors like John Feinstein and Mike Lupica. Read: I think this is a very commercial cover, and commercial=good. Also, the plan is to have the cover printed on "metal tone paper with gloss lamination." Shiny.

Many thanks to cover artist Tony Sahara (designer of the Samurai Shortstop cover as well!) and editor Liz, who worked to get this one just right.


Fabricationist July 14, 2008 at 2:40 PM  

Wow, are you writing your name on all of them?

Alan Gratz July 14, 2008 at 4:08 PM  

Yes, and it's a royal pain in the ass, let me tell you -

Brian McNamara July 14, 2008 at 4:11 PM  

Looks fantastic, Alan. I really dig your Walt Disney-esque signature (whether it was a natural evolution or intelligent design!).

I'm really excited for this book. I have two young nephews (well, first cousins but we say nephews) who I want to give this to. Big baseball fans.

And, you know, I'm excited for my copy as well. ;-)

Does this cover artists specialize in baseball themed covers, or are you just typecasting?

Alan Gratz July 14, 2008 at 5:52 PM  

Believe it or not, that's not REALLY my handwriting on the cover. Reproduced or otherwise. It just bears a striking similarity to my own handwriting. That was all the idea of the designer, Tony Sahara. I doubt he had any idea how I write. (Although I even used to draw a line through my zeds, German-style, and I still do that for sevens.)

As for typecasting, I don't know. Maybe he's just really good at the sports covers. I had a different designer for my mysteries, but I'm sure Tony has done other kinds of covers as well . . .

Elizabeth O Dulemba July 14, 2008 at 8:38 PM  

Alan, it's GORGEOUS! This is going to leap off the shelves!

TN-Tanuki July 18, 2008 at 11:59 AM  

Hey hey, that's snazzy! I second the Disney-esqueness and the shelf-leaping. Bravo!

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