The Book Report interviews Alan

>> Thursday, March 6, 2008

Yesterday wasn't all about Project Runway around here. I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Pat Grant and Elisabeth Grant-Gibson of The Book Report, a weekly podcast sponsored by Windows: A Bookshop in Monroe, Louisiana. We talked a lot about Samurai Shortstop, Something Rotten, and a bit about my next book, Something Wicked. You can go directly to the archived interview here. My interview follows their chat with Meg Cabot. Meg Cabot, for cripe's sake! Talk about following the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show . . .

I usually take interviews like this in stride, but besides having to follow Meg Cabot I was a little anxious about this one. I've listened to Pat and Elisabeth's podcasts before, and they always ask great, thought-provoking questions. I was worried I wouldn't sound half as smart in my answers!

Turns out they did ask great, thought-provoking questions (as usual). You'll just have to tune in to see how well I handled them.

Thanks Elisabeth, thanks Pat! I had a great time.


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