Rotten Review: Interactive Reader

>> Friday, November 2, 2007

Jackie Parker over at the Interactive Reader blog has just posted a blush-worthy review of Something Rotten called "Shakespeare Noir. As it should be." Jackie's a fantastic reader and reviewer with great taste in books (obviously!) and television. I'm sure she's an equally kick-ass librarian, and if I were a teenager in her town I would probably be spending all my afternoons at her library following her around like a puppy. There's a great interview with her over at the Seven Impossible Things blog, run by my friends and fellow Knoxville, Tennessee expats Jules and Eisha, which is where I ganked the picture of her. Look closely at her shelf and you can see a copy of Samurai Shortstop! I told you she had great taste in books . . .

Next week Jackie's going to feature an interview with me as a part of the Winter Book Blast Tour, in which I discuss Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, self-help books, and Snagglepuss the pink cat. I'll give you the link when it's up.


Jackie Parker November 2, 2007 at 7:45 PM  

Yeah. Now who's blushing?

That would be me. lol.

Do you actually KNOW Jules and Eisha? 'Cause I'm jealous if so.

Erin November 2, 2007 at 10:21 PM  

JACKIE ROCKS. Just sayin'. :)

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