Gratz Industries HQ: Doors!

>> Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It's been quite some time since we had a Gratz Industries HQ update for you, but truth be told, there hasn't been much new. In fact, we think the builders are almost done with their part of the work, which means it's almost time for us to put on our hardhats and get to work on all the things we left for ourselves to do. Like the plumbing. And the heating. And the electricity. And the exterior siding. And the interior drywall. And the . . . you get the picture. Right now, ambitiously, we're hoping to be living in the new house by April. One of us may have to take up prostitution to afford that, but hey - you do what you have to do.

Here's our first-floor deck, flanked now by two windowed garage doors. We had a large, all-glass garage door in our Atlanta loft, and we loved it. These partial glass doors are a concession to the colder climate, but should give us an amazing open-air feel two-thirds of the year. (The porch will be screened in too, so no bugs!)

Here's the view from the inside. You'll be able to see green through there once the mobile home is dragged away. Well, it will be brown dirt we'll see first, but we'll bring the space back to life. This interior space will be our kitchen, dining room/library, and living room, with the garage doors as a rather dynamic backdrop, methinks.

Here's the front door. We couldn't put windows in this wall because of the stairs, so we put one in the door!

The third floor got doors too. Here you can see the French doors in the bedroom. They're boarded over right now to keep them closed--there's no hardware in any of the doors yet.

And that's it for the update. There can't be much left, but the builders haven't been by in a while, and we're no hurry to call them up and ask where they are because if they're done we owe them the second half of the money. 8-/ We have it, we have it - but the longer we wait to give it to them the more brief the time we have to live with levels our bank accounts haven't seen since we were in college. Yikes! So, um, maybe I can sell another book this month . . . I know I have some old stuff laying around here somewhere . . .


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