Sprinkles Under Construction

>> Friday, December 29, 2006

I love starting a new quilt. This one I'm calling Sprinkles because I think it looks like hot fudge with sprinkles on it. Jo calls it the donut quilt - for the same reason. She especially likes that the sprinkles are HUGE. I've got all my blocks pieced and ready to assemble - and I hope to have the whole thing finished by the end of next week. It's twin-sized, so I think I can do it.

I've learned one very important lesson already with this quilt - new rotary cutting blades are good! I don't think I've EVER (and I've been quilting for a few years now) put in a new blade. It gets dull so gradually that you don't really notice. Did I always have to push this hard to get a clean cut? It wasn't until I actually nicked the blade (and had to cut everything twice to catch the part that the nick missed) that I finally got a new one. What a difference!


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