A Wicked Good Review

>> Thursday, November 6, 2008

I've been very fortunate to have each of my first three novels selected by the Junior Library Guild as books they promote to librarians all around the country. Here's their review for my latest, Something Wicked:

To some readers, the language and settings of Shakespeare's plays can seem distant and boring; conversely, some contemporary retellings that aim to make Shakespeare trendy or accessible end up stripping the emotional depth from the plays. Something Wicked, however, is an exceptional adaptation.

Horatio's friend Mac, and Mac's girlfriend, Beth, are the Macbeth and Lady Macbeth of this story. Beth's constant challenges to Mac's manhood and their mutually destructive relationship echo the play's themes of manipulation and ambition in a context that teens will easily recognize. Likewise, Horatio and Mac's rapidly souring friendship may remind teens of their own social difficulties.

The captivating murder mystery will keep readers (even those familiar with the play) guessing who the real culprit is. Alan Gratz's detailed setting, a Scottish Highland fair, is inspired, and his prose and dialogue are consistently funny and well crafted: "'You're just going to get him madder," Lucy told me. 'I'm good at that,' I told her. 'I have mad skills.'" And Gratz seamlessly incorporates a wide array of pop culture references, including the Ramones, Jackson Pollock, Magnum, P.I., and Aqua Teen Hunger Force, in humorous, intelligent ways.

Thanks, JLG!


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