Autumn Winifred Oliver Does Things Different

>> Friday, November 7, 2008

My friend Kristin O'Donnell Tubb's first novel has just come out--Autumn Winifred Oliver Does Things Different. Congratz, Kristin! I had the pleasure of reading the first chapter of this book during a critique group session many moons ago at an SCBWI Midsouth Conference in Nashville, and I knew it would one day grace bookstore and library shelves. Here's the scoop, from her website:

Autumn Winifred Oliver prides herself on doing things her way. But she meets her match when she moves in with her cantankerous Gramps. The Oliver girls were supposed to join Pop in Knoxville for some big-city living, but Gramps’s recent sick spell convinced Mama to stay put in Cades Cove. Folks in the Cove are all aflutter about turning their land into a national park, but Autumn’s not sure what to think. Loggers like Pop need jobs, but if things keep going at the current rate, the forests will soon be chopped to bits. And Gramps seems to think there’s some serious tourist money to be made. Can Autumn’s family and friends save their homes from the chainsaw by partnering with the slick Colonel Chapman and other park volunteers?

Click here to read an excerpt!


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