A Robot Takes Care of Our Chickens
>> Sunday, August 23, 2009
Look at the fabulous chicken waterer our friend Michael Kline made for us. Isn't it awesome? Don't you want one just like it? (It works for cats too.) How about a gorgeous set of bowls, just right for cereal or noodles? Or the perfect coffee cup? Then it's (almost) your lucky day. Michael is having an online sale on Etsy tomorrow (Tuesday 8/25) at 10 am. He NEVER sells his work online - it always goes straight from the kiln to fancy galleries or (occassionally) sells right out of his studio - so this is your chance.
Want to see more of Michael's work? Visit his blog here or his website here. Or check out the pottery porn at the end of the video Alan did about a day spent helping him fire the kiln. We are slowly filling our cabinets with the work of local potters and Michael's is the best of the best. Really, it's beautiful work. Check it out - then go buy some for yourself.
There is disturbingly unending coolness going on in your neck of the woods. I WISH I were back in the U.S., just for ten minutes, to buy a jug... somehow, I don't think it would ship well to Scotland.
We'd be happy to swap houses with you for a week or two. Just let us know when. :-)
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