One Good Picture

>> Friday, October 24, 2008

One of my responsibilities in my new job is to manage the dual credit program - a partnership between Penland, the local high school, and the community college. A group of twelve high school kids get to take a class at Penland and earn high school and college credit. I assist the teacher as needed, but mostly I get to take the class with the kids. Fun! This year the class works with photography and glass. We just started glass (soooo cool!) and I thought I'd show the one good photo I took in the photography class. I used a Holga camera which is what gives the lovely vignetting (the dark shading in the corners). I love the square format too.

I really like this picture - it captures a quieter side of Jo that we don't often take pictures of. Jo thinks the picture is boring because there's no color. She thought that about The Addams Family too - until she got about five minutes into it.


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