Wednesday, December 1, 2010

You're Invited to an Open Studio Tour

I'll be the guest of Michael Kline and Stacey Lane at the Toe River Studio Tour this weekend. Come join us! 

Michael will have plenty of warm pots, fresh from the kiln, as well as his new lamp designs! Alan helped him and Courtney Martin stoke the kiln yesterday. The man does love to burn things!

Stacey will show several new styles of pearl jewelry and work featuring recently found, lovely stones!

And me? I'll be bringing brand-new bears. . .

bunnies. . .

. . . a handful of ragdolls. . .

. . .lots of colorful stockings. . .

. . . and unbreakable ornaments.

Friday December 3rd, 12 noon-5 pm
Saturday, December 4th, 10 am-5 pm
Sunday, December 5th, 10 am-5 pm

We're at Studio No. 30 on the TRAC studio tour map. And here are directions to Michael's studio.

While you're out and about in the area, stop by Courtney Martin's for more pots. . .

and John Geci for some glass. They're both at #19 on the map - just a mile or so from Michael's studio.

Also visit Erin Peters for a special Bulabags open house on Sunday from 1-6. You can even look through her fabrics and design your own bag - and get it in time for the holidays. Woot!

Looking forward to a fabulous weekend!

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