Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ed Emberley Is Following Me on Twitter!

OK - I started following him about a week ago and I know he's just following everyone who follows him - but that subject line in my inbox still made me absurdly happy. I LOVE Ed Emberley. We've blogged about playing around with the Picture Pie books here. I made a purse featuring appliqued Ed Emberley birds here. I used his designs as a starting point when I designed some little felt hens to take to Japan with us. I think we own every one of his drawing books and I would dearly love to go to The Center for Cartoon Studies where (I'm told) they use his Make a World book as a textbook.

And have you seen this? I'm already a fan of Nate Wragg and I love this Emberley-inspired sasquatch he drew. He even did Emberley-style step-by-step instructions so you can draw one too! Take a look!

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