Monday, August 16, 2010

Dragon*Con - Mitsumi Gets a Skirt

Jo finished her Mitsumi skirt for Dragon*Con (started here). Isn't it cute? I think she did a great job! I especially love the pleated ruffle at the bottom.
I showed her what gathers would look like, and what pleats would look like. She thought pleats looked more like the original so I showed her how to measure, mark with pins, and fold them into place - and she was off.

This week we'll be working on her shirt, hat, boots and bag. For now she's getting a start on the crocheted scarf - perfect for working on while listening to Harry Potter and/or watching Mythbusters - two of her favorite things right now.

1 comment:

  1. That is FABULOUS! I can't wait to see the rest of the outfit! Rock on, Jo!


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