Monday, August 16, 2010

Back to School Fiction: Boarding School Slave

We recently bought a Sony Touch eReader, primarily for use while traveling, to cut down on the number of paperbacks I always load my bags with. Sony has its own bookselling site, and when I registered I started getting weekly e-mails with ebook specials in them. This week's special feature was the Back to School theme you see above.

I have yet to buy an ebook, but I always scroll through these e-mails with interest. Most of the books were of the non-fiction, how-to-survive/self-help variety, but I was pleased to see a "Fiction at School" section at the bottom, including three MG/YA school titles: The Year of Secret Assignments, The Fabled Fifth Graders of Aesop Elementary School, and Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen. The problem was the fourth book selected in the feature:

Boarding School Slave, which, in case you think the title is meant to be ironic or humorous, is listed as being by "#1 bestselling erotica author" J.W. McKenna.

I've got nothing against erotica as a category. I just think it's pretty hysterical to put these four books together in the same recommended books list. Love that cover too!

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