Thursday, April 8, 2010

Butterfly Girl - with downloadable PDF

 Almost everything Jo owns is suddenly too small. I'm not joking - we just cleaned out her closet and more than half the clothes had to go! Luckily, I've been on a sewing jag lately - and Jo has lots of new clothes to show for it. Clothes that fit.

I drafted a new A-line skirt pattern for her last week and made a couple of simple skirts - but I haven't photographed those yet so I'm going to start the show with this butterfly skirt. I hacked the pattern up a bit. I made a yoke out of the top few inches and then split the rest of the skirt down the center. Then I cut the lower half on the bias so I could chevron the stripes. The fabric is a really soft sheet I got at the Goodwill. Jo liked the result, but thought the skirt was "kind of plain" and asked me to add a butterfly.

So I did. We doodled a couple of pages of butterflies before we got one that Jo approved of and I spent a lovely evening stitching and watching a couple of episodes of Jeeves & Wooster. Aaah. . . bliss. If you want this butterfly to do your own stitching, you can download the line drawing here. It's all split stitch, and I have a tutorial for that here. I highly recommend a quiet evening of relaxing stitching. It's good for the soul.

Jo liked the results - so there's one new skirt hanging in the closet.
It even passed the swing test.

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