Thursday, February 14, 2013

Nancy Drew in The Tomb of the Cybermen

I made this.  From an idea by my friend Wes Stitt. Kind of a hack job on GIMP, the Linux freeware Photoshop, but I'm pretty proud of it. The number in the corner is the year the original Doctor Who serial The Tomb of the Cybermen debuted.

That's a mash-up I'd love to read!


  1. I am learning to use GIMP, and I am horrible, so this is a moment of "Ooooooh! Aaaaaaaah!" for me. This looks amazing. And that flashlight glow cracks me up.

  2. Nicely done! Where did you get the background image?

  3. I can't remember! But it's an old Doctor Who image. Maybe from a comic?


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