Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Totoro Pics!

Okay! By popular demand, pics of our Totoro and Satsuki costumes! I've been holding off because we don't have too many--I was inside the thing all night, after all!--but people have been asking, so here are a few pics to whet your appetite. First up, a picture of Jo and me (inside Totoro) with Grant Imahara, star of Mythbusters, and host of this year's DragonCon Masquerade! He was really cool--and really appreciated the scale of Totoro! We were too tall for the photographer's set and lighting here, which is why there's a big lamp above Totoro's head. Jo is holding our award for Best Animated Character--our second award in that category. (Our first was for Samurai Jack and Aku.)

Here's a shot I yanked off someone's Tumblr. After the Masquerade, we set up Totoro on one of the floors in the Marriott, where a number of people got their picture made with him. He was so tall (over ten feet) that his head was hitting the ceiling (and a sprinkler!) in the first place we set him up. This place had a bit taller overhead.

Getting Totoro to the con was a bit of a challenge, as you might imagine. We had to rent a mini-van for the purpose, and stuff him in the back. We built him to be collapsible, but we were careful with his face. :-) I had hoped that people would see Totoro peering at them out the back of our van on the highway, but all the van's windows were tinted, so I don't think anyone actually saw him.

That's your teaser! More pics of the construction, and hopefully of Totoro around the con, to come!

(Click the pics to see them bigger and better.)


  1. You guys are the coolest family ever. We want to grow up to be just like you.

    Cari and the Phils

  2. Oh. My. GOSH.
    Ditto you being The Coolest Family. I am WAY more excited that you chose Totoro even than I am that you got to see Grant Imahara, and he is WAY too cute.

    Also, I would have had to brag to the entire internet about the project. You guys are good at keeping secrets!!!

  3. Totally, jaw-droppingly awesome!


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