Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Now on sale: my Star Trek novel!

Let's check the old Alan Gratz bucket list. Visit Machu Picchu: Not yet. Master the Force: Still working on that. Write a Star Trek novel: Done!

It really has been a longtime dream of mine to write a Star Trek novel. Don't tell anyone, but about 17 years ago, back before we were married, Wendi pretended to be my literary agent so we could submit a Star Trek novel I had written to Pocket Books. We made up a letterhead for her "agency" and everything. Pocket Books didn't go for it and soon after I focused on writing books for young readers, but that submission officially represented my first real attempt to sell a novel.

Cut to a year and a half ago, when I learned that Simon Spotlight was publishing a series of young adult Star Trek novels set in the universe of the recent movie reboot. Trek? YA? That long-lost dream of writing a Star Trek novel wasn't looking so hopeless after all! I got on the phone with my agent, Barry, he got on the phone with the editor of the series at Simon Spotlight, and a month later I had a gig as Star Trek's newest author.

Today I have come full circle. I'm happy to announce the publication of Starfleet Academy: The Assassination Game!

The rules are simple: Draw a target. Track him down and “kill” him with a spork. Take your victim’s target for your own. Oh, and make sure the player with your name doesn’t get to you first. No safe zones. No time-outs. The game ends when only one player remains.

James T. Kirk is playing for fun. Leonard “Bones” McCoy is playing to get closer to a girl. But when a series of terrorist attacks rock the usually placid Starfleet Academy campus, it becomes clear that somebody is playing the game for real. Is it one of the visiting Varkolak, on Earth to attend an intergalactic medical conference? Or could it be a member of a super-secret society at the Academy dedicated to taking care of threats to the Federation, no matter what rules they have to break to do it?

Find out in Starfleet Academy: The Assassination Game, on sale now at your favorite bookstore!

Live long and prosper,



  1. Congratulations Alan! And, by the way, if you hadn't know before, your wife's efforts for you must've told you she was the one!

    Janet(who spent all of her Kindergarten recesses playing Lt. Uhura)

  2. Okay, that's just AWESOME. Not only is the Star Trek reboot so much fun in general, that you get to be part of it is amazing. Yay, you!

    I didn't play Lt. Uhura, but I was Spock...

  3. This is FANTASTIC news! I cannot wait to read "The Spork Wars!" Congratulations!
    Andrea (who probably watched every sci-fi TV series since the original ST.)

  4. Congratulations! What fun--I can't wait to read it!
    I have to thank you for something else too. A couple of years ago, you did a presentation at the SCBWI conference with your editor about the revision process and all you went through with "Fantasy Baseball." When I saw my editor's (PAGES-yikes-of) comments about the second book in my Dark Light Dance trilogy, because of that, I didn't panic--or not too bad anyway!
    Best to you and thanks for being so willing to share your expertise.

  5. So happy for you! congrats! And may you live long and prosper. Met you at last years SCBWI Carolinas event, hope that you read my first pages this year!


  6. Loved the book! So true to the Star Trek characters. Couldn't believe all the Trekky similies and nuances. What knowledge you have in the small details that ring true of Star Trek. It was a comfortable read in that there was never a lull or dull moment. Hope you get to write another some day. Love, MOM


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