Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Asheville to Nashville with three fab authors!

This August, I'm pleased as punch to be part of the Asheville to Nashville tour with Myra McEntire, Victoria Schwab, and Beth Revis! They'll be stopping in eight cities in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee, and I'll be joining them Sunday, August 7th from 3-5 p.m. for their event in Knoxville, Tennessee at Union Ave Books.

Here's the scoop from the o-fficial announcement!


Myra, Victoria, and Beth are thrilled about bringing a tour to their local areas--from Asheville, NC, to Nashville, TN. We'd love it if you came out to see us, and we want to make sure that everyone in the area knows about it!

But we know that not everyone gets to have a tour stop in their backyard. So, we're going to bring the tour to YOU. With signed books, straight from the tour, mailed straight to YOU.

We're going to be adding to the prize pack as we go, but so far we're happy to say that these will be included, all of which will be SIGNED by the author!

SIGNED hardback copy

SIGNED hardback copy

SIGNED hardback copy

SIGNED hardback copy


Signed copy PLUS a signed poster!

SIGNED hardback copy

That's right! SEVEN SIGNED BOOKS + a signed poster + more swag + some fun things that we're going to pick up on the way. THIS PRIZE PACK IS HUGE!!!

To enter: help us spread the word & fill out the form below!

There are lots of way to help us spread the word! You can do something as simple as tell a friend, but we want as many people as possible to come to our tour and find out about it. 

So, tell a friend about it!



Or...blog! You could either make a post about it or share our widget!

Additional contest information:
  • Open to the US & Canada only--sorry, but the authors have to pay shipping themselves.
  • Entrants must be 13 years old or older
  • To be entered, you must fill out the form below
  • Contest closes on August 12, 2011

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