Thursday, May 19, 2011

Check out my new R2-D2 beanie!

Check out this awesome R2-D2 beanie Wendi made for me! I love it so much I've been wearing it around the house even when there's no one here to see it.

It's far too time-intensive for her to sell them affordably, but Wendi is selling the pattern as an add-on to her basic beanie pattern. To learn more, click here to go to her craft blog, Shiny Happy World!


  1. That totally and completely rocks.

  2. Awesome. Are you going to Fanaticon in Asheville this Saturday? It'd be the perfect opportunity to show off your new beanie!

  3. Ack! I wish I WERE going to Fanaticon. We're going to be in Asheville on Friday, but we have to be here in Bakersville Saturday. I missed it last year too!


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