Thursday, March 17, 2011

A book is born: Fantasy Baseball!

Now batting: Fantasy Baseball! My new novel goes on sale TODAY!

You've never played fantasy baseball like this before. 

A flying monkey in the outfield. A toad at short. Dorothy from
The Wizard of Oz on the mound. Alex Metcalf thinks he’s dreaming, but the Oz Cyclones exist here in Ever After, where storybook characters live on as long as kids in the real world believe in them.

But Alex isn't a storybook. To get home, he and the Cyclones will have to win the Ever After Baseball Tournament and earn wishes from the Wizard of Oz. Trouble is, the Big Bad Wolf wants a wish too.

To win the tournament, Alex and the Cyclones will have to defeat the wolf, play the best baseball of their lives, and find the courage to believe in themselves. But what good is believing in yourself if the real world stops believing in you?
To help me celebrate, I'll be visiting with the students at Ridgewood High School in Norridge, Illinois in the Chicagoland area. I'll also be giving a talk and doing a reading at the Ridgewood High School LitWorks book festival on Saturday, which is open to the public. Come out and say hey! Click here for more info


  1. Congratulations Alan! I look forward to reading!

  2. The Cyclones- just like the Brooklyn team. Congratulations, Alan- can't wait to read it!


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