Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Announcing the latest Star Trek writer: me!

I'm very happy to announce that I have been contracted to write a Star Trek novel! Those of you who know me well will probably know I've been a fan of Trek for a long, long time.

What few people realize is that one of my first attempts to become a published author, way back in the day, was by sending in a proposal for a Star Trek: The Next Generation novel. I was in grad school at Tennessee at the time, and I had an idea to do a Heart of Darkness/Star Trek mash-up with Worf playing the role of Marlow, going after a rogue Kurtz-like Vulcan on a pre-warp planet. (If that explanation makes sense to you, kudos on multiple levels.)

The funny thing about the whole process was that Pocket Books, the publishers of Star Trek novels, only allowed agented submissions--and no agent was interested in someone who was offering to just write licensed fiction. So Wendi submitted my work under her maiden name as my literary agent--with phony letterhead and all.

Alas, while Pocket Books liked my work (particularly the humor) I had mixed the Next Generation show with the Deep Space Nine show in the book (Worf made a pit stop at DS9 on the way to the assignment--this was before his character migrated to that show!) and that was apparently a no-no. I would have been happy to take that part out, but it was a no from Pocket, and I had already moved on to other writing projects and dreams anyway. My writing career went a very different direction, as you know, but I continued to read Star Trek novels as a fan, and often still daydreamed about writing a Star Trek novel.

Then, at the end of last year, Simon & Schuster began a new young adult Star Trek series called Starfleet Academy. The series is based on the academy days of Kirk, McCoy, Uhura, and Spock, as re-imagined in the fabulous Star Trek reboot that came out in theaters in 2009. Star Trek? YA? I shot off an e-mail to agent Barry right away and asked him to look into it for me. He made first contact, I submitted a proposal, CBS/Paramount gave me their seal of approval--and I was contracted to boldly go where I've never gone before! My proposal is called Starfleet Academy: The Assassination Game, and given the quick turnarounds on the deadlines, it may even come out this year! (Part of the reason I've been so quiet around here lately is that I've had my nose to the keyboard on this and the other book I'm working on.)

I'll continue to write original books of course--in fact, now that I've turned in my outline for the Starfleet Academy book, it's back to the current work-in-progress, The League of Seven, which is almost finished. But writing for Trek is a long-time dream come true, and I'm thrilled to now be an official part of the Star Trek galaxy.

Live long and prosper!


  1. So. Cool. How exciting! You're right - the Star Trek/ YA combo sounds pretty fun. Also, I have to say, I like your original HoD mash-up idea as well.


  2. SWEET! I'm so happy for you. Live long and prosper, dude. ;)

  3. Oh, *I* am so all over that.
    Somehow, this is a series that HAD to happen.

  4. That is beyond extremely cool, Alan. Wow!

  5. LOL, on top of everything else, a Trekie geek, I LOVE it. May you live long and prosper, Alan Gratz

  6. Kudos to me, I totally got your first scenario! hahaha but really, kudos to you.

    Congrats! Very exciting.

    the word verification I had to type in was "fiestedi" -- you might have to use that in your book

  7. Congratulations ! My husband is a big fan of star trek as well so what a sweet opportunity!

  8. Alan,

    Dreams do come true! I'm so glad for you!

    Linda A.

  9. WEll, that is just awesome! I know you are thrilled. Congratulations, Alan!

  10. Thanks, everyone! I'm pretty stoked!

  11. Alan, I continue to bow to your awesomeness. But it's getting harder and harder to rise again! I'm thrilled for you!


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