Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Early Fantasy Baseball reviews

Tis the season for me to start biting my fingernails: the first reviews for Fantasy Baseball are appearing!

First, Dave at the Just One More Page blog (and bookseller at The Blue Marble Bookstore in Ft. Thomas, Kentucky) reviewed an advance reader copy, and says Fantasy Baseball is "one not to miss."

Then I found out that Publishers Weekly reviewed Fantasy Baseball! Here's their review:

Continuing to use baseball as backdrop, Gratz (The Brooklyn Nine) moves from historical fiction to fantasy with a story that playfully mixes storybook characters with stadium action. When Alex finds himself in Ever After he's sure he's dreaming--case in point, he's recruited to play in a high-stakes tournament for a team captained by Dorothy Gale, she of the ruby red cleats. Dorothy's teammates include lesser-known Oz characters like Tik-Tok, Scraps, and Button Bright, who's in danger of fading away because nobody reads the sequel he appears in. They insist Alex is a "Lark," somebody's daydream, and not a book character at all, but they keep him because the kid can flat-out play. Eventually, Alex figures out whose daydream he is in a thread that adds poignancy and tension to a slightly unwieldy narrative, as the Oz team encounters Mother Goose, the critters from Redwall, L'Engle's Charles Wallace and Mrs. Which and Whatsit, among numerous literary cameos. The predictable ending is the only one possible, but Gratz frames it with an interesting question about what effect dreams can hope to have on the dreamer. Ages 8–12. (Mar.)

Thanks Dave, and thanks PW!


  1. Congratulations on the reviews, Alan! I can't wait for the book. Ta, Rebecca

  2. I just read the PW review today at work.

    This sounds like fun and as you know, baseball is one of my many reading weaknesses. Congrats on the upcoming release.


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