Thursday, December 23, 2010

Fantasy Baseball Poster Giveaway

This past summer I took a two-week letterpress class at Penland School of Crafts, and what did I create and print? Fantasy Baseball posters, of course! A set of four, in fact, and I'll be giving copies of each away in the months leading up to Fantasy Baseball's release in March 2011.
First up is the game day poster for the big finale: the championship game between Dorothy's Oz Cyclones and the Big Bad Wolf's Grimm Reapers, done in the style of classic sports adverts. The date of the game is the book's on sale date. The poster is 9"x19", type-set in wood and lead, hand-printed by me, and, as they say, suitable for framing.
Readers of my eNewsletter already have a leg up on this, but even if you don't subscribe* there's still a chance for you to get in on the action. Just click on this link to enter. The drawing is free, the postage is free, and all street addresses will be pitched once I've mailed out the prizes. But hurry--I'm going to pick the winners tomorrow, on Christmas Eve.

*And seriously, why aren't you signed up for my newsletter already? The sign up is just an easy scroll to the bottom of the page...

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