Monday, November 29, 2010

Mahar Drygoods Is Closing!

Sad news folks. Mahar Drygoods - THE coolest place to buy kid stuff online - is closing. They carry the work of some of my favorite artists, and the day Robert Mahar emailed me to inquire about carrying my dolls was one of my best business days ever. Ever! When I "rebranded" my Shiny Happy World last year and narrowed the focus of what I do, one of the ways I articulated that focus was to ask myself about every potential product, "Is this the kind of thing Mahar Drygoods might carry?" Seriously. And now they're closing.

The good news is that they're not closed yet, and they'll still be selling some amazingly awesome stuff through the holiday season. So head over, take a look, and buy something fabulous. They have a small handful of my dolls too, so if you think Lucy Grace. . .

Lucy Hannah. . .

Lucy Ida. . .

Abigail Fannie. . . (sorry - she's sold now)

or Abigail Georgia. . .

. . . would be a perfect friend for your little one, now's your chance to buy them from an amazing shop.

Also - Robert Mahar will still be running The Junior Society. If you like what you see at Mahar Drygoods and want to see more awesomeness curated with the same sense of style, check it out. You won't be sorry.


  1. I love, most of all, the hairstyles on your dolls - so original and cute!

  2. Thanks! They were inspired by my daughter's love of coloring her hair. She started with bubblegum pink when she was five.


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