Monday, October 18, 2010

Steampunk Art

"Steampunk" by Patrick Reilly
Found a great collection of steampunk images collected at The Other Side of Perception while, um, doing research. (Yes, that's it!) Here are some of my favorites. Visit the The Other Side of Perception blog to see more.

"Steampunk Goliath" by Cory Jespersen

"The Fall of Icarus" by Nigel Quarless

"Steamnocchio" by Fabricio Moraes

"Stromboli's Catch" by Lior Arditi

"Mermaid Song" by Leonardo Hernandez

"Mary Poppins" by Daniel Cestari

"Judith and Holofernes" by Aly Fell

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! If THAT Mary Poppins had been my nanny, I might have even forgiven her that Dick van Dyke git.


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