Friday, October 1, 2010

Soup, Glorious Soup

It's been kind of cold and dreary here lately - the perfect weather for making soup. I love tomato soup. Jo does not. I recently read this post over at Soule Mama and decided I needed to try her tomato soup with carrots.
There were yummy tomatoes from the farmer's market to peel. . .
. . . and carrots (also from the farmer's market) to be chopped.
Jo chops. I peel and quarter.
The tomatoes are roasted (yum!) and you don't have to seed them. I don't mind peeling them - but recipes that call for seeding them bug me because I feel like I'm feeding half the tomatoes to the chickens.

Saute the carrots, celery and onions, toss in the roasted tomatoes, add some stock, whirl it all together, add some cream - and yum! So yummy that I dove in without taking a picture. But you know what tomato soup looks like, right?

1 comment:

  1. Ooh - roasted tomatoes! That's a great idea! For some reason, I never do that.

    That's a great counter - the right height for both of you!


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