Thursday, October 7, 2010

Last day to enter to win a Fantasy Baseball galley

A week or so ago I announced my first Fantasy Baseball Advance Reader Copy giveaway, but I neglected to, um, pick a cut off date. (I don't do this often! Cut me some slack!)

So today is the last day to get signed up! (Like how I just made that executive decision?) Click here to register if you haven't already. Tomorrow--Friday, October 8th--I'll randomly select a winner from all the people who've entered and announce the winner here on the blog. Oh, and getting signed up now will automatically include you in all the other giveaways I've got lined up between now and pub day!

(Tomorrow I'll also be choosing the winner of the Sapphique galley, a contest available only to folks who subscribe to my Very Fancy eNewsletter...)

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