Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What pants size are you? No, really.

There's a great post on Esquire's Style Blog about the tremendous difference in men's pant actual waist sizes and the labeled waist sizes among popular clothing makers.

Check out the graphic above--Old Navy's sizes are five inches off! No wonder I have to try on five pairs of pants every time I want to buy one. Wendi tells me the women's clothing industry has been doing this for years, but with the advent of online shopping, this nonsense is going to prove disastrous...


  1. Oh, yeah - Tech Boy just forwarded me this link, and he is pretty peeved. Women have gotten used to having their minds screwed with -- but it's disconcerting not to know your "actual" size. The last paragraph is what got me - "A recent report published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that men with larger waists were twice at risk of death compared with their smaller-waist peers. Men whose waists measured 47 inches or larger were twice as likely to die. Yet, most men only know their waist size by their pants — so if those pants are up to five inches smaller than the reality, some men may be wrongly dismissing health dangers."

  2. It's ludicrous. I pulled out a bunch of old clothes that I'd saved from 20 years ago (hard to ditch a classic kilt, for example) and was shocked at the difference in size labeling. One skirt labeled Size 12 was more like today's Size 6.


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