Thursday, September 9, 2010

We've Got a Ticket to Ride

One of the best things about Dragon*Con is that Alan spends a lot of late nights trying out new games for us to buy. This year we brought home a few that I'm really excited about and last night we tried out the first - Ticket to Ride.

It. Is. Awesome.

Jo's a good gamer, but she starts to lose interest if the rules of the game are too crazy complicated, or if a single game lasts too long. Ticket to Ride has very simple rules, a nice blend of strategy and chance, and a game lasts about an hour. Perfect!
And the board  is beautiful. We started with the basic US set. There are other sets and expansion sets you can get, but Jo and Alan already have plans to design two new boards of their own - one for Japan (to include all the places we went) and one for North Carolina. I can't wait.

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