Monday, August 9, 2010

Happy Birthday, Jo!

Today is Jo's eighth birthday. Woohoo! And here she is wearing her birthday present from us: fencing gear. It comes with fencing lessons at the New Studio of Dance in Asheville, beginning the week after Labor Day.

Jo has been asking to take fencing lessons for two years, but the only class we could find won't let you join until you're eight. She's been counting the months...

En garde, and happy birthday, Jo! Our lives are far better for having you in it.


  1. Wow, what an AWESOME birthday gift - something I wish to give to myself someday -- before I get too far into my dotage and can't do it.

    I love the first picture of her -- looking so directly into the camera, she looks like the young woman she will become.

    Happy Birthday, Jo, and many happy returns from Scotland!

  2. Ooh, so SO cool!

    Before the class, she could start practicing the holding and the guard positions - moving between them. That's primarily what my fencing class was all about, for the first long while - standing, moving between the guard positions, stepping forward and back, and then lunging. No contact with anybody else until those were mastered.


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