Monday, July 26, 2010

This season's book cover fashions

Over at PW's Shelf Talker blog, author, bookseller, and industry blogger Elizabeth Bluemle has a great feature on current fashions in book cover design, presented as though they're coming down the runway. Above, the trend for period costumed girls coming and going in mysterious poses...

...a spate of key covers...

...and girls with straight hair sweeping over their faces. I'm always fascinated by book covers--so much thought and time goes into their design that the end results really are worthy of study. Click on over to the Shelf Talker blog to see more.

1 comment:

  1. I thought Jane Yolen's question was quite to the point -- I miss a.) ethnic minorities, and b.) something other than silhouettes of boys in this lineup. But, then, YA book covers seem ever geared to Eurocentric-looking girls. :sigh:


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