Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Hanging up the toys

Time to put some of those Japanese toys on display!

I came back from Japan with a few toys. (Ahem.)

Just a few more than would fit in the case I wanted to put them in.

I got a lot of them in there though, and I love the look of it! I still need one more toy to fit in there next to the pink-haired girl with the spear. I'm sure I'll acquire something soon enough...

While I had the drill out, I put up a case for toys that had been hanging out on my bookshelves. That's Cal Ripken, Barry Larkin, and Tim Gunn on top--all world-class shortstops. (Sort of.) My old Star Trek phaser and tricorder also finally found a good home.

Two golems I brought back from the Czech Republic, and a headless highlander Mom and Dad brought back for me from Scotland. (His head popped off by accident, I swear! Still, there can be only one.)

Another toy from Japan, a yurei (ghost) like the one I wrote about in my Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine short story "Okiku and the Nine Plates." Alongside her, Serenity from Firefly.

And last but not least, Count Dooku and The Thing in disguise. Count Dooku is there to keep me in line as I write, which I should be getting back to now...


  1. THOSE are cool. I guess since you're not in earthquake country you don't have to use museum tacks (sort of a white, squishy clay-like stuff) to keep things in place? It's an idea, if you have a cat.

  2. I have some of that gummy stuff, but I only use it when the figures won't stand up by themselves. (A common problem with American action figures.) No earthquakes here to speak of--knock on wood. And our cat never bothered with anything like this--back when we actually let her in the house...


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