Monday, June 21, 2010

Time traveling for fun and profit

Here's a GREAT post that takes four revolutionary modern devices--cell phones, MP3 players, handheld video game systems, and laptop computers--and imagines transporting them back to the 1970s to introduce them thirty years early to reap huge financial rewards. The 70s redesigns are fantastic, but the best part is the faux retro magazine ads they make up for the products.

The ad copy is fantastic:

"So the next time you're looking for a way to bring your tunes with you on the go, remember two things: nothing beats the Pocket Hi-Fi, and our company definitely wasn't started by by rogue time travelers from 33 years in the future. Like, at all."

The Pocket Hi-Fi's tag line: Like a party in your pocket. But not in a weird way.

Click on the images to see them larger, or better yet, click through to the original post at Behance Network and enjoy!

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