Thursday, July 16, 2009

Cock-a-Doodle-Doo. . . someday

New work two nights in a row? Say it ain't so! That's what comes of NOT teaching summer camps anymore.
For this little guy I wanted to just play - so I decided to make something ACEO-sized and I would NOT draw my cutting lines on the paper. I sketched a bit ahead of time, but then I cut free-handed. As you can see - my rooster didn't actually fit on the ACEO-sized green paper I used for the background, but I liked his tail feathers hanging off the side so I just mounted the whole thing to larger paper.
The inspiration? Our rooster, who is starting to crow a bit. Trying at least. Right now he sounds like a very awkward teenager and his crows sound like a cross between a squawk and a honk. I'm a little embarrassed for him. . .

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