Friday, June 26, 2009

I Should Be Writing - 005

We've had a bit of a dry spell here at Gratz Industries as a combination of wireless router disconnectivity and marathon chicken coop building have conspired to keep us from blogging. But we're back with a vengeance with a new I Should Be Writing vlog! This week, I'm helping my friend (and internationally renowned potter) Michael Kline fire his kiln.

WATCH as I stoke a 2100 degree fire!
SEE amazing pottery issue forth!
HEAR a great tune from Jeff Barbra and Sarah Pirkle!

It's a delight for the senses this week on I Should Be Writing! (Well, at least two of the senses.)

Read Michael's pottery blog at Sawdust and Dirt
Hear Jeff and Sarah's music at


  1. That is pretty amazing!! gorgeous work!!! WOW!!! allogs

  2. Hey ya'll. just finished the dial up viewing of the I should be Writing Vol.5

    Phew, dial up is hard work, but someone has to bear the torch. Or do I? Anyway, thanks.

  3. Excellent video. Thanks for putting it together and sharing!


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